This was a top secret commission of Hunter S. Thompson my dear friend C-Troll and I plotted for our friend Ali's birthday. Chris was the brains behind it all, I was merely the brush. It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself, and it was received well by the birthday girl. So a Happy Birthday Ali, I hope you dig on it as much as I dug painting it.
(See, I told you guys I would start posting again... stay tuned for more juiciness)
Sorry for the massive lack of updates as of late, I've been taking quite the hiatus since school let out. I have some sketchbook shots that I'll put up soon, as well as some paintings, a commission or two in the works. But for now, I'll leave you all with some pictures I made while on a mini road trip to St. Augustine with my dear friend Colleen. We ventured oh so far north to enjoy the lustrous sounds of a little ole band called Modest Mouse, who were slightly less than, with a 5 minute wait for an encore. These are the best of the best photos, so enjoy!